Emergency Evacuation during Flash Floods
Author : Shaunak Roy, Grade 10
Education Institution: Washington High School - Fremont, CA, USA
Publication Date : July 19, 2019
Abstract :
In this research article, my goal was to identify a widely known issue in the current world and propose a prototype design that could help solve this issue. What I recognized is that as of now, the news always keeps talking about floods. This is one of the ultimate adverse effects of global warming.
Thousands of people are rendered homeless and many lives are lost due to such natural phenomenon. Of course, it is impossible to completely stop floods since it is after all a part of nature, but it is possible to save the lives of people trapped in these floods.In the process of exploring for ideas to create this prototype design, I came across the field of science called biomimicry. Biomimicry talks about imitating the systems and structures from nature and incorporating it into technology today. I used inspirations from nature to create an Emergency Raft, which is designed to safely transport people trapped in floods to disaster relief shelters, as a form of last-minute emergency evacuation.
Nature’s Water Filters
Author : Elton Lee, Grade 10
Education Institution: American High School - Fremont, CA, USA
Publication Date : July 19, 2019
Abstract :
The purpose of this research article is to find a more natural way to make a water filter. For this I used industrial design methods and knowledge of resources existing in nature to construct this filter. I was able to design a simple water filter made out of all natural and readily available materials, which could be easily constructed by anyone and also be distributed as do-it-yourself (DIY) kits. Although it maybe crude this filter would filter out most of the particles, toxins, and harmful bacteria. With this device the clean water could become a reality for many people around the world who may not have access to expensive water filters or safe drinking water.
Nature Inspired Bridge
Author : Arianna Jeet, Grade 9
Education Institution: Newark Memorial High School, Newark, CA, USA
Publication Date : July 19, 2019
Abstract :
The purpose of this research article is to design a solution to an issue I had observed. I had observed bridges and how sometimes the cables could snap, or the bridge could collapse due to how old it is. The main issue especially in California is earthquakes, as in the Bay Area we live on the San Andreas fault line and currently earthquakes are happening.
I have applied Biomimicry with my research and designed a solution called the Nature Inspired Bridge (NIB). This solution will make sure the bridges are strong and sturdy to help it withstand against natural disasters or other problems that may occur.