Urban Organic Growers Alliance
Publication Date : August 2, 2024
Abstract :
Urban Organic Growers Alliance: United effort to cultivate and distribute fresh organic produce
This project seeks to explore how we can increase the local cultivation of diverse grains, fruits, and vegetables to reduce costs and make fresh, healthy food more affordable and accessible year-round. By encouraging and supporting community gardens, utilizing open concrete spaces, and promoting backyard growers, we seek to foster active participation and sustainable growing practices inspired by natural ecosystems. Our hypothesis is that these efforts will lead to soil regeneration and the implementation of innovative soil-less growing methods, enabling the year-round cultivation of diverse crop varieties. This approach not only helps maintain lower costs but also maximizes the nutritional value of the produce, ensuring equitable access to healthy food for all urban residents.
Project Narrative:
For full details on the project, please read the Project Narrative below:
Author(s) :
Francisco Angel, Grade 10, Newark Memorial High School
Amita Gowda, Freshman, College of Engineering, Santa Clara University