Integrated Circuits Fabrication Design to Improve Electronics Recycling
Author : Sydnie Noguera, Grade 10
Education Institution: John F. Kennedy High School, Fremont, CA, USA
Publication Date : July 24, 2020
Abstract :
Electronic waste or E-waste as some people call it is a problem in our world today. E-waste not only contributes to waste but is also toxic to the environment and us. Electronics can be recycled but it can be difficult to do so which is why many people throw them out. It is extremely hard and labor intensive to separate all the materials in electronics and that is why it is hard to recycle them. People call this problem, a mixed materials problem. I am proposing a solution to help with the mixed materials problem through a new design for the Integrated Circuits (IC) fabrication layers, which will enable easy removal and separation of the various layers and the materials.
Agricultural Land Recovery Methods
Author : Troy Anthony Jose, Grade 10
Education Institution: James Logan High School, Union City, CA, USA
Publication Date : July 24, 2020
Abstract :
The research I conducted was based upon the problem of land degradation. Land degradation is when land is affected negatively with chemicals and salt changing the soil health, or when the soil is eroded. I specifically focused on the effects the agricultural industry has on land degradation. My solution includes smart resource management, with new technologies to help the efficiency of the farm. It also includes the removal of chemicals and salts, through the two filtration systems I have designed using nature’s models and strategies. The Smart farming methods depicted in my solution was also derived by studying nature’s models and offers sustainable ways to avoid further damage, control weeds and pests, and maintain the soil in a healthy state. All these parts of my solution when implemented together should help recover the land to its original healthy state while also preventing run-offs and reducing carbon emissions.
Renewable Energy Powered Plane
Author : Rohan Makkar, Grade 10
Education Institution: Washington High School, Fremont, CA, USA
Publication Date : July 24, 2020
Abstract :
This research paper was designed with the consideration to address the large problem of carbon emissions. This design is an attempt to cut away more than 5% of worldwide carbon emissions, a number that would only grow as the world develops. My renewable energy plane design would completely cut down all these emissions. This technology will be a big step towards a greener future. This is inspired by biomimicry, because the best fliers in the world are birds, the fastest swimmers are sharks, and the most efficient at energy collection are plants. These methods used by nature are much more efficient than those used by humans.
Solution to Prevent Overfishing
Author : Pranav Bollineni, Grade 11
Education Institution: Cupertino High School, Cupertino, CA, USA
Publication Date : July 24, 2020
Abstract :
The past few decades of overfishing have taken its toll on the fish population. Fish have always been a main source of food for the world, but with our growing population, overfishing has become a serious threat to our planet. Not only will it affect the fish population, but it will also affect the livelihoods of fisherman due to fish depletion. Because of this I wanted to help solve this problem. To do this, I turned to biomimicry, which is the process of looking to nature to find solutions to a problem. Biomimicry helped me design my solution, a trap to separate unsustainable and sustainable fish, and capture only the desired fish. I hope that my solution is able to greatly reduce or even solve the problem of overfishing.
Power-lines Fire Terminator
Author : Amita Gowda, Grade 9
Education Institution: Fremont Christian School, Fremont, CA, USA
Publication Date : July 24, 2020
Abstract :
The purpose of this research article is to design an original solution for an observation of an issue. My observation was on the wildfires in California and the frequent occurrences of it. When these wildfires meet our power grid, it turns into electrical fires and causes horrific devastation.
With the current extreme weather conditions and drought in California, it is not possible to completely stop wild-fires, but we could minimize the impact by stopping the wild-fires from becoming electrical fires.
I applied the new nature inspired innovation methodology, called Biomimicry, to research nature’s models and designed a solution called, Power-lines Fire Terminator (PFT) that would help utility companies to take intelligent and swift actions proactively and avoid future devastations.
Innovative Leaf Inspired Microgrids
Author : Erika Tragin, Grade 9
Education Institution: Skyline High School, Sammamish, WA, USA
Publication Date : July 24, 2020
Abstract :
The current electric grid has been contributing to climate change, not well protected from natural disasters, and is not resilient, resulting in blackouts.
This research aims at solving the problems of our current electric grid. It was inspired by nature’s models that have evolved overtime to solve similar problems effectively and sustainably for structures, safety precautions, energy production, and distribution.
My design targets the use of renewable energy, flexible, resilient, and scalable microgrid structure, and modern computer systems to better benefit the economy and the consumers. This solution uses the “Energy-as-a-Service” operational model and it addresses the 3Ds – Decentralize (Microgrid), Decarbonize (Renewable Energy Sources), Democratize (allow small energy production farms and consumers to contribute)- that are much needed in the energy sector.
Innovative City Planning for Current and Future Demands
Author : Kushal Golechha, Grade 10
Education Institution: Gunderson High School, San Jose, CA, USA
Publication Date : July 24, 2020
Abstract :
This research article will address the issues in the current city planning process. We will go over the actions we need to take in order to prepare for the future. My solution will focus on resolving problems involving traffic, security and vertical buildings. We will go over ways to manage congested traffic more efficiently, increasing security to ensure safety, expanding of living spaces, work areas, and parking. Biomimicry inspired me because I was able to see how nature creates its own solutions in unique ways for countless different types of problems. I used concepts of biomimicry to create a better system for city planning.
True Green Vehicles
Author : Taha Khan, Grade 9
Education Institution: James Logan High School, Union City, CA, USA
Publication Date : July 24, 2020
Abstract :
This research article aims to address vehicles that run fully on clean renewable energy, and to help make it a possibility. My solution offers specific ways to gather clean energy and to then power a safe and environmentally friendly coupe.
Since climate change is slowly affecting the Earth negatively, it is time to do something about it, and my solution can help fight that. Gasoline cars account for 10-15% of the green house gas emissions in the world. There have been attempts to produce “solar cars,” however they are not yet developed enough to be used for everyday use nor provide the same benefits.
If we observe nature, one will see that there are many different ways to gather clean energy in abundance. Most of my research is affiliated with biomimicry – technology based on nature, plants, and animals – to help achieve the gathering of clean energy to power an advanced car.
Next-Generation Solutions to Renewable Energy Capturing
Author : Evan Harris, Grade 10
Education Institution: John F. Kennedy High School, Fremont, CA, USA
Publication Date : July 24, 2020
Abstract :
Renewable energy sources are particularly important in the fight against climate change and for a sustainable future. However, each renewable energy source has problems, either affecting the environment or not producing enough to be a reliable source of energy for the masses. It is crucial that all the renewable energy capturing gets better, or else climate change will run rampant. This paper contains some next-gen, modern solutions that look to nature for answers. The natural world has had millions and even billions of years to perfect itself and its processes. By mimicking what it does, we can solve our most pressing problems when it comes to renewable energy. The solutions for land degradation, fish and bird death, and environmental disruption are all contained in this paper along with some new, innovative ideas that can change the way we harvest energy.
Oxy-Pro Air Purifier
Author : Nitya Devisetti, Grade 11
Education Institution: Cupertino High School, CA, USA
Publication Date : July 19, 2019
Abstract :
This research article aims to address the observed overarching issue of excess carbon dioxide emissions in our atmosphere. My design solution targets indoor air pollutants and carbon dioxide excess indoors which pose significant health problems for people that spend hours indoors.
Attempting to eliminate all of the excess carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is a large-scale problem that may take numerous changes, but starting small and aiming for better air indoors will start the track to tackling the enormous problem of climate change and improve indoor air quality.
Biomimicry was a major inspiration for my solution design because I was able to study various organisms to develop a device that eliminates carbon dioxide and pollutants while producing oxygen for the occupants of the building.